ITV Director on Staying Connected and Disciplined During Lockdown
Don’t get cute and keep it clean! Your guide to writing the perfect CV
The current job market has never been so competitive. No matter the profession, industry or type of role, vacancies are being inundated with potential candidates. So standing out in a very busy space has never been so important. For jobseekers searching for the support of recruiters to help navigate through these murky waters, they must first help themselves by looking at their own CVs. This document should act as an insightful resource that maximises an individual’s opportunity to secure a new job.
A CV is a reflection of you: Be concise and purposeful
In The Yorkshire Mafia’s last blog entry, we addressed candidates putting themselves at risk of missing out on employment opportunities by deviating away from the main purpose of a CV. Inundated with tips and advice, we wanted to showcase further thoughts on what has proven to be a topical and insightful issue.
Lockdown Stories: Jane Rutter, Zeal Media
Making things work when working from home
2020 has been challenging. As businesses adapted to a global pandemic, so did our working practices. With continued remote working a long-term ambition for many, IT4Business explore some of the biggest challenges companies have faced, and ways we can simplify things in the future.
Lockdown Stories: Joshua Atkins, Jublo
Lockdown Stories: Catherine Baker, Sport and Beyond
CSR: How international eCommerce company Custom Plugs is evolving to make a difference
Lockdown Stories: Sharon Le Goff, IVE
Lockdown Stories: Jonty Abbott, FluidIT
Lockdown Stories: Mark Gash, AdaptiVLE
Opportunities And Threats: Mediaworks 10 Point Action Plan | COVID-19