The Power of Giving Back
by Rowenna Reid, Q5, Feb 05
Considered the hidden, ‘4th wave’ of the C-19 crisis, mental health is a major concern for employers, with up to 20% of the population across the UK expected to require support as a direct consequence of the pandemic.
Corporate Social Responsibility and giving back can provide a positive outlet and a way for employees to find purpose in their lives and their work, with positive impacts on their mental wellbeing, their productivity and ultimately their organisations.
Writing this to you from home in Leeds after our first winter snowfall, I’ve been reminded once again, of the importance of finding happiness in the small moments that make up the backdrop of our everyday lives. For many of us this has never been more important, as we continue to battle against Covid-19 and the impact it’s having on our lives.
I work for Q5, a global award-winning organisational change consultancy, we help our clients connect strategy with execution and work with them to solve their knotty organisational challenges. We work across all sectors with offices in Leeds and London, New York, Sydney, Melbourne and Hong Kong. In response to the global pandemic, we decided to reach out and support SMEs and Charities through our pro bono initiative, Pop Up Consulting. Launched as the world first went into lockdown in March last year, we wanted to help organisations who were in need but didn’t have the means to access consulting expertise.
We recognised the pandemic was causing disruption to their livelihood and the wellbeing of their teams. Organisations were asking how they could continue to look after their people, their customers and survive through these unprecedented times. As a management consultancy specialising in building healthier businesses globally, we wanted to use our expertise to help organisations face these existential questions.
Almost 12 months on we’ve supported over 60 organisations with their strategy, planning, fundraising, marketing and business development, with a large number of these based in the north of England. Most recently, we’ve supported organisations in looking beyond lockdown, to establish hybrid ways of working, blending virtual and office-based work.
The positive impact giving back can have on mental wellbeing, productivity and ultimately organisations is well report. We have certainly benefited as company from our Pop-Up Consulting practice. This aspect is particularly pertinent as the world faces into the ‘4th wave’ on the c-19 crisis: mental health.
If you are a small or medium sized business, a charity or non-for-profit organisation and would like to benefit from Q5’s Pop Up Consulting please contact me rowenna.reid@q5partners.com
If you would like to learn more about Pop-Up and the benefits of giving back for individuals and your organisation please follow us on Linkedin and join us for our next Q5 webinar entitled ‘The Power of Giving Back’, Tuesday 23rd February 10.00am-11.00am, please click here to register.
During the webinar we will discuss Pop-Up Consulting and hear from expert panellists Emma Henderson MBE, Co-Founder & CEO of Project Wingman, Jamie Mitchell, Founder & Director of All Together and, Rachel Kelly, Author & Mental Health Campaigner.