Dec 16
AD:VENTURE, the business support programme that has been delivering across North and West Yorkshire for four years, has become the latest sponsor of One Yorkshire, our collaborative platform for networking groups throughout the region.
As an organisation that works with start-up and scale up businesses throughout Yorkshire, AD:VENTURE is only too familiar with the challenges that young companies can face. We caught up with Communications and Marketing Manager, Daneile Moore to find out why it is so important that initiatives like this exist.
Daneile comments: “We understand how vital it is to ensure there are opportunities for businesses to connect with each other, do business together and to forge new relationships that foster collaboration, innovation and ultimately positive growth.
“It’s well documented that strong business networks and thriving localised eco systems enable access to resources that could be beyond the scope of a single business. Through collaboration, businesses can complement and support each other, specialising in different areas to compete in markets usually out of their individual reach.”
During some of the most difficult times in living memory, businesses have had to adapt quickly and to adopt new ways of working. Taking influence from this, One Yorkshire will encourage groups that have previously competed to join forces and share the benefits of an open source events platform that will become a single reference point for companies of all sizes.
Daneile continues: “We know our start-ups and scale-ups on the AD:VENTURE programme benefit from peer to peer learning as much as they do through accessing our wider support. Starting up a business is a lonely place and can be challenging for founders to find honest and practical advice.
“We are passionate about supporting our entrepreneurs to get the insight they need and helping them to foster relationships and connections with others is an essential part of that.”
Although no one could have predicted a year ago that a global pandemic would have such a devastating impact on business throughout 2020, Daneile explains that there have been some positives for start-up and scale up companies throughout the region.
Daneile comments: “We have all already changed how we work in a massive way as a result of COVID. Some of these changes have actually been positive, with many people embracing the benefits of a shorter commute, improved work life balance and more ability to collaborate and meet in new and exciting virtual ways.
“This is something we believe should continue, as it enables us to close the gap between the North and South, making it less important where a business is based. It will improve access to investment and decision makers who previously seemed unreachable.
“We have also seen businesses take huge leaps in the use of technology within the business, and who will probably never go back to how they worked before.”
As a programme of activity that has supported hundreds of start-ups since its launch with funding and practical support, AD:VENTURE actively endorses the need for businesses to access a network of like-minded contacts.
Putting this theory into practice, the programme has partners that bring even greater benefits to those that access the services offered.
Daneile comments: “AD:VENTURE has the distinct advantage that all of our excellent and high value services are fully funded and the programme is supported by an incredible consortium of partners.
“We have an extensive network we have built over the last 4 years and are part of the business community in a very proactive way. We aren’t competing directly with anyone else in our space and recognise the value of ensuring businesses have the best knowledge base they can to better their business survival and growth potential.
“We bring knowledge of business support opportunities, and a large and active following on social media made up of new and emerging businesses, established businesses and other public sector support and funding organisations. We will certainly be bringing these connections and expertise to the table while supporting One Yorkshire.”
Although there is no crystal ball, as organisations have become accustomed to adapting and changing direction this year, it is expected that this will continue to be the case throughout 2021 and beyond.
Daneile concludes: “Yorkshire based businesses are friendly, open, collaborative, innovative and gutsy. We have a strong business ecosystem, and this has always served us well and will continue to do so as we work together to help our economy to recover and to thrive.
“We hope to see lots of new connections and opportunities. High quality events and discussions that will allow different sectors to collaborate and identify new opportunities, and for One Yorkshire to create a space where new business can be done.”
For further details about One Yorkshire and how to access the platform and all that it offers to networking groups and individuals throughout the region please visit: https://theyorkshiremafia.com/news/article/one-yorkshire-is-coming/