How to drive traffic to your website
by Jonny Ross , Dec 05
So, you have a great website, everything works perfectly, the site looks professional and is suitable for your target audience. But what good is a great website if you haven’t got any traffic visiting your website? Generating traffic can be difficult to do and you need to ensure that you are able to generate repeated traffic. But how do you do this? Well, this blog will talk you through several different ways to drive traffic to your website.
Guest blogging
Guest blogging is a great way to engage with new audiences and being able to engage with new audiences is the perfect way to drive traffic to your website. When you write a guest blog you will also be exposing your business to a new demographic. Your website will be easily found through links in the author biography and you can also include a link within the blog itself to a relevant page on your website. Another great benefit of guest blogging is that it is free, apart from your time of course!
Creating engagement
Another way to drive traffic to your website is to ensure that you are identified as a ‘go-to’ within your industry. In order to do this, you must be constantly creating engagement with other businesses and key industry figures. For example, if you tweet something that is then re-tweeted by another business, you are exposing yourself to a new audience and also improving relations with others. Just ensure you include your website address in your social media profiles so that you are able to easily drive traffic from one online platform to the other.
Social sharing communities
In order to ensure that your content is shared as widely as possible, there are many websites out there called social sharing communities that allow you to upload blogs or articles to their websites. Examples of these social sharing communities are Bizsugar, Digg, Stumbleupon and Reddit. However, you must have original, great content to share, so these sites are perfect to share your weekly, or monthly blog.
Social media
Adding social media buttons to your site is a crucial way of increasing engagement. You want visitors to your website to be constantly encouraged to create engagement or share pages onto their own social media platforms. Therefore, it is important to include social media buttons wherever possible on your website, a great way to incorporate them is to put them on side bars on relevant pages, for example your blog page.
Social media should also be used by your business regularly, whether this is to share your latest blog or guest blog post, to share great content that you have found or to ask questions and see what your audience is thinking, but most importantly is a great way of adding links back to your website.
So there you have it – the top ways to drive traffic to your website. The key to it all is being able to effectively promote your content on many different platforms, exposing your business on different social platforms and becoming identified as a key industry figure within your relevant market.