The Yorkshire Mafia
Upload Your News Article
Reach a huge regional business audience of business executives to share your announcements, news and stories. Build your brand reputation and increase your business reach through soft touch content marketing where you’re positioned at the top of your industry.Â
Feature your article on The Yorkshire Mafia website and if suitable, we’ll include your announcement in our weekly email to our network. Increase your own credibility and generate new business enquiries by growing your online presence. Once on our site, your article will be archived permanently, increasing your SEO rankings.
Sharing your expertise through content marketing with The Yorkshire Mafia is a great way to increase your reach to an engaged business network. You can use pictures and links to capture this audience even further.
Would you like to see your news featured on the Yorkshire Mafia website alongside original business news?
Here’s how:
Submit your blog online and we’ll post the article at the best time to ensure you’re able to make maximum impact.
Our team will support you with the content to ensure it’s as powerful as possible.
Where appropriate, we’ll include this news in our weekly round-up email to our 33,000+ members.
All news articles are expected to follow our Terms & conditions. Please read before submitting your news article.
Having trouble? Contact us on geoff@theyorkshiremafia.com