The Yorkshire Mafia
Upload Your Event
Host your event on The Yorkshire Mafia’s website to increase your footfall, expand your brand profile, maximise the potential of your event!
Feature your event on The Yorkshire Mafia website and if suitable, we’ll include your announcement in our weekly email to our network. Increase the credibility and awareness of your events to our network of engaged business leaders.
Would you like to see your event featured on the Yorkshire Mafia website alongside our events?
Here’s how:
Submit your event online and we’ll host the event and manage registration for you. We’ll share this data with you on a weekly basis so that you can see the growth of your event.
Our team will support you with the event content to ensure it’s as powerful as possible at driving registrations.
Where appropriate, we’ll include this event in our weekly round-up email to our 33,000+ members.
All events are expected to follow our Terms & conditions. Please read before submitting your event. If you are uploading a banner image you can find our safe zone template here.
Having trouble? Call us on 0113 323 6400 or email events@theyorkshiremafia.com