Olivant Ents Ltd
Olivant Ents Lt
27 Priory Road, Cottingham, Cottingham, East Yorkshire, HU164RR
Why Choose Us!
When You’re Looking To Grow Your Business..
You Need Someone You Can Depend On!
There are hundreds of business mentors and coaches to choose from.
Finding one you can count on and build a relationship with for the long term is a difficult task. Here are some reasons why in choosing us you will have made the best decision for you and your business building ambitions.

So Why Choose Us?
1. Our Approach.
Flexibility. We recognise that whilst all businesses have a lot of simularities, they are not all in the same place. Some businesses are growing fast and others are struggling to grow at all. In either of these cases you need a different approach as their problems are not the same, and you can’t use the same starting place for them. We take a customised approach to tackle the most urgent issues we agree on and take it from there, unlike others who only have a single starting place.
Our Extensive Resources. We have an extensive array of resources that we can bring to the party. Built up over the last 30 years of business experience.
Our KAD System. See our ‘How we get you results’ section below.
Our Proven Success Results. As you browse our site you’ll notice an extensive array of testimonials from our delighted clients. Check them out.
2. Our Attitude.
When working with us you’ll find that we’re pretty much WYSIWYG (What you see, is what you get). There’s no ‘airs and graces’, were very much down to earth, all of which means that ‘we’re focused on getting you results’. We’re not in this for a quick buck, but to build a lasting mutually beneficial relationship.
3. Our Support.
We’re here to help you along your business growth journey, to achieve the results you’re looking for. This means that we need to be here for you when you need us, not just for 45 minutes or an hour every month but in those critical moments when you need support and advice. All our mentoring and coaching packages include comprehensive ongoing support.
What’s the process.
Our business growth system starts with a session that’s all about you. Not all businesses are in the same place when it comes to growing. Some are fit and ready to leap forward, others are not so and need a little bit of remedial work before they’re ready.
We start with a discovery meeting. Sometimes this is a short meeting, but the majority of the time it’s a good couple of hours as we get ‘under the hood’ of your business. This session is all about understanding where you are with the ‘four systems’ that you need to have in place to build a High Value Self Managing Business.
- Your Operations system (how you do what you do).
- Your Finance system (how you establish whether it was worth doing in the first place).
- Your Management system (how you manage the systems and people in your business).
- Your Marketing system (how you get customers or clients on automatic).
At the end of this session you’ll have a business growth plan that’s unique to you and your business.
How we get you results.
Once we’ve built your growth plan and identified the areas of your business that need working on we’ll focus together on them using our KAD system.
- Knowledge
- Accountability
- Direction