Lisa Lister, Progress Marketing Ltd
Helping business owners grow using robust, actionable marketing strategies
24-26 Paul Lane, Paul Lane, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, WF4 4BP
Progress Marketing Ltd was founded in 2003 providing consultancy to SME’s and the professional services sector.
Approved business coach through the Growth Accelerator programme; delivering in the region on 20 successful coaching assignments.
Delivered support to start up businesses and social enterprise schemes through Key Fund programme in South Yorkshire. Currently approved and registered to deliver support for business growth through the LEP scheme.
Regional Director of PM Forum in the Yorkshire region. PM Forum is the world’s largest and fastest growing community for professional services marketers, with over 4,000 members in accounting, law, property, management consulting, architecture, engineering and other types of professional firms.
Co-founded the Yorkshire Lawyer Leadership Group 4 years ago where I facilitate a group of 15 Managing Partners from law firms across the county who come together in a peer group learning environment.
I have recently been asked to sit as a judge at the prestigious MPF Awards for Management Excellence 2017 and 2019 being held this March in London.
Experience in facilitating strategic growth “Away Days” for companies. Devised and implemented a business development module in a Leadership & Development Programme for a large SME.
Experience of building, developing and managing marketing departments with budgets varying from £000’s to £2m+.
Deliver training, lectures and seminars for SME clients and joint initiatives with banks. Lectured for the law society across the Yorkshire region.
Frequently gain coverage for clients in national and local media; including TV BBC news, interviewed for 5Live radio, headlined BBC Radio 1 news bulletins and front page of T&A.