Engage Leeds
Support That's Close to Home
A city-wide housing support service.
Engage Leeds, 1 Woodfield Court, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS8 3NT
Engage Leeds is a consortium comprising 4 charitable organisations – GIPSIL, Barca – Leeds, Connect Housing and Riverside Care and Support. In delivering a city-wide housing support service, with a shared commitment to support 1500 vulnerable adults at any one time in Leeds, this contributes to the city’s strategic aims of prevent, sustain and integrate.
Since starting in 2017, Engage Leeds has supported 5000 people. Providing a housing support service for adults across all needs groups – Engage take pride in delivering a holistic, person-centred approach, working with clients in the following areas:
- Homeless prevention and early intervention,
- Accredited advice services
- Employment & Engagement support
- Complex needs service
- Dementia support
- Volunteering and peer support
Engage work one-to-one, using a distance travelled tool to measure individual progress and outcomes are measured against 10 support categories, including accommodation, money, health & wellbeing, work and learning, substance misuse and safety.
- 97% of clients have been supported to meet their primary housing need
- 96% of clients have been both supported to make a positive move-on and to sustain a tenancy
- 95% of clients have been both supported to access accommodation and to prevent a statutory homelessness presentation
- Around 95% of clients have been supported to increase their choice, control and involvement and engage with other support networks / their community